(We write a paragraph based on the following questions.)

(a) How are the elders related to our society ? (b) Why shouldn’t they be neglected ? (c) How many elderly people do you have in your locality ? (d) How will you raise money for them ? (e) What type of help can we offer them other than financial help ? (f) How can you involve other persons in this type of activities ? 

Elders are also a part of our society. Human beings are born as baby on this beautiful world and after a certain period of time they grow older in the society. They play several important and vital parts that give too many benefits for the next generation. So the older persons should not be neglected anyway. They were the strength of our civilization. In every locality there are lots of elderly persons. In my locality the number is not small. I want to do something for them. In course of time I will raise a fund for the welfare of the elderly persons. Then I will establish an Old

Global warming

(We write a paragraph based on the following questions.)

(a) What is global warming ? (b) How does it affect our environment ? (c) What disaster may happen ? (d) What is the main culprit of global warming ? (e) How can we prevent it ?

In recent years, there have been many alarming reports that the world’s climate is undergoing a significant change. All these reports provide strong evidence that world temperatures are increasing day by day. This increase is known as global warming caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the earth.


(We write a paragraph based on the following questions.)

(a) What is education ? (b) Differentiate between education and uneducated people. (c) How can we all be educated to build a happy, peaceful and prosperous future ? 

Education is the process by which our mind develops through formal learning at an institution like a school, college, or university. It is mental and intellectual training which provides opportunities of growth and helps to overcome obstacles to progress. Therefore, it is often compared to light which removes


(We write a paragraph based on the following questions.)

(a) What’s your idea about leisure ? (b) How do village and city people spend their leisure ? (c) What are the common sports and pastimes ? (d) What do you know about the late winter activities of the people ? (e) How do you evaluate traveling ?

Leisure means the time when a man has nothing to do. Leisure is necessary to lead a healthy and happy lire. It enables us to recover our lost freshness and energy. It affords an opportunity to escape from the hard reality of life and enjoy this fine world. City people spend their leisure by enjoying and doing many things. They play cricket, football, chess and many other games and sports . They


(We write a paragraph based on the following questions.)

(a) What is culture ? (b) What are the elements of culture ? (c) How can you study a person and society in a better way ? (d) What do you think of Asia Culture ? (e) What things do you notice in western culture ? (f) Why do cultures vary from society to society or country to country ? 

Since the dawn of civilization the good thinking and all that is good culture. It is complete picture of life. It represents what we do in our daily life. Language, music, ideas about what is bad and, ways of working and playing, and the tools and other objects made and used by people in the societyall these are part of a

Public Awareness For Waste Management

(We write a paragraph based on the following questions.)

(a) What is waste management ? (b) Why is awareness required ? (c) How can we get rid of waste management ? 

Waste or rubbish is what we throw away everyday. It includes everything from unwanted old cars to cigarette packets. As the amount of waste is growing rapidly all over the world and polluting the environment, the time has come to think about it very seriously. We cannot altogether get rid of our waste, but a proper management of it can certainly reduce it. If we think of

Environmental Pollution

(We write a paragraph based on the following questions.)

(a) What is environment pollution ? (b) Where do you live ? (c) What kinds of pollution  do you find in your locality ? (d) What problems are these pollutions creating in your locality ? (e) How can you check these pollutions in your locality ?

Nowadays  environment pollution is one of the most talked of topics of the world. Our environment is polluted in two ways-air pollution and water pollution. Air is polluted in many ways. Smoke pollutes air, man makes fire to cook his food, to makes bricks , melts pitch for road construction and burns wood. All these things produce heavy smoke and this smoke pollutes air.

Arsenic Pollution

(We write a paragraph based on the following questions.)

(a) Where is arsenic found ? (b) How do people suffer from this problem ? (c) What is the effect of arsenic pollution ? (d) What is the medical treatment of the people who suffer from arsenic ? (e) What is the remedy of this problem ? 

In our day to day life we are experiencing new kind of problem. Our environment is facing new pollution. Arsenic pollution is one of them. It is one of the biggest problems of our country. Arsenic pollution is causing much harm to human life. It is found in water especially in tube-well water. By drinking this water people are suffering a lot. It causes sore in the fingers or in any other part of the body. By drinking water polluted by arsenic

Water Pollution

(We write a paragraph based on the following questions.)

(a) How do men pollute water ? (b) How do farmers pollute water ? (c) How do mills and factories pollute water ? (d) What are other ways of water pollution ? (e) How can we minimize water pollution ? 

Water, an important element of the human environment, is essential for human and plant life. It is next to air. Water can be polluted in many ways. Farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticide in their fields to grow more food. The rain  and floods wash away some of the chemicals. They get mixed with river water, canal water and pond water. Mills and factories pollute

Air Pollution

(We write a paragraph based on the following questions.)

(a) What is called air pollution ? (b) How is air polluted ? (c) What happens when men inhale polluted air ? (d) How can we reduce it ? (e) Who have to come forward ? (f) How can we solve this problem ? 

Air is the most important element of human environment. Man cannot live a single moment without air. But we do not think that it is we who pollute this most vital element. Clean air is essential for life. Air is polluted in many ways. Smoke pollutes air. Man